Information for investors

Save and multiply
Pokrov is a city where the past and present are intertwined in glorious history, which is cherished by descendants from the Scythians and Cossacks of Zaporizhzhia. Its yesterday is unique with landmark events, and today it is a significant endeavor.
The city of regional significance, which is a member of the Association of Ukrainian Cities, covering an area of 2.6 thousand hectares, with more than 40,000 inhabitants, is located in the south of Dnipropetrovsk region, in the basin of the Bazavluk and Kakhovka reservoirs.
Until recently, the administrative boundaries of the Pokrov city included Hirnytske, Chortomlyk, Perevozysky Khutory, Rudnik and Oleksandrivka. In 2018, the desire of the community of neighboring settlements - Sholokhove, Myronivka and Ulyanivka - expressed their desire to join the Pokrov city. The process of voluntary joining the Sholokhov community, now an ancient district of the city, has been completed. Pokrov became the first city of regional importance in the region, becoming an economic family with rural areas.
Chronicle of the steppe pearl of the Dnieper region begins from the Neolithic - Sarmatian Scythian era. It is also mentioned in the context of the "From Varangians to Greeks" trade route. Historians consider the territory of the modern Pokrov to be the cradle of Zaporozhye Cossacks. It was here that over three hundred years ago was located Bazavlutska and Chortomlytska Sich, the birthplace of the famous  chieftain Ivan Sirko, whose image is perpetuated in granite in the central square. The history of the city has been calculated since 1883, since the discovery by geological engineer Domger V.О. deposits of manganese ore in the Salt River basin. The official date of birth is 1956, when workers' settlements were merged into a city of regional importance.
All the historical stages determined the further development of the city, which was included in the history of the country by one of the leading centers for the production of manganese ore, the birthplace of the historical symbol of Ukraine - the Golden Pectoral. In 1971, the world-famous archeologist Boris Mozolevsky on the territory of the Pokrov city (Ordzhonikidze) in the mound "Thick Tomb", found a masterpiece of world art - Pectoral. About this event and many others from the biography of the mining town, it is possible to find out from the expositions of the city national historical museum named after M.A.Zanudko.
Today, Pokrov is a city that is being refreshed before our eyes. It is symbolic that with the name change (Ordzhonikidze was decommuned into the Pokrov in 2016), the philosophy of his existence changed. Decentralization provided additional opportunities in the quest to get rid of the brand of a provincial depressed town.
In a few years the changes became obvious and irreversible. Residents have fallen in love with their city again, and natives, for the first time in decades, are proud to say, "We are from the same Pokrov," and more often come home.
Now there is much to learn from the Pokrov city.
The city managed to modernize its energy infrastructure in a short period of time and to transform the entire social sphere into autonomous heating. In addition, the budget helped to install autonomous heat carriers in the homes of locals who were unable to do it on their own. Own energy management program also helps to save money.
The considerable funds that had previously been used for the unsuccessful maintenance of district heating have now been directed to the development of the city, and this has become one of the sources of obvious changes.
In Pokrov the central square named after I. Sulfur, boulevard, square, a large part of the streets are completely reconstructed, inter-quarter territories are overhauled, and the number of renovated territories is increasing every year.
In fact, the central park was rebuilt from scratch, which now bears the name of B. Mozolewski and is a decoration and favorite place of family leisure for the Pokrov residents.
The term "reconstruction" in recent years has become a hallmark of the city and a continuous process. For the first time in the years of the city's existence, schools have been reconstructed and a new kindergarten built.
Everything that is builded and restored - a comfortable, energy-efficient and barrier-free environment.
Co-operation with European funds plays a significant role in the modernization of urban infrastructure. Recently, together with NEFCO, the external lighting system has been substantially modernized, and now GIZ is contributing to the improvement of social and administrative services, and international relations on youth policy are being established.
The city systematically implements e-government tools and, for the sake of transparency, is among the top five across Ukraine. One of the first in the Dnipropetrovsk region to join the medical online project - the HELSI medical information system. Now the residents can make an appointment  with the doctor from the comfort of their home. And recently, use the Electronic Recipe service. An online city map has become available to residents, providing access to a wealth of data that touches different walks of life.
The residents not only do  watch the changes, they are actively involved in their creation.
Many urban improvement projects have been implemented through the City Participation Budget program, such as the ATO gym, downtown Wi-Fi, and more.
Volunteer movement is gaining momentum. Famous projects include "Sports Grandmothers", "Open Air Cinema", charity lunches and dancing evenings for seniors.
The economic-industrial complex is represented by the enterprises of extractive, chemical, light, food and machine-building industries. The town-forming enterprise is JSC "Pokrovsky Mining and Processing Plant" - one of the leading enterprises for the extraction and processing of manganese ore. The subsidiary of Procter & Gambel Menufechuring Ukraine is the world leader in the production of household chemicals.
The social sphere consists of educational, cultural and medical institutions. There is a multidisciplinary hospital town. The network of educational institutions includes educational-educational association, two educational-educational complexes, three secondary schools, lyceums, 6 pre-schools, School of Arts, Children's Music School, House of Creativity of Children and Youth, two children's and youth sports schools, vocational schools school. The city has a swimming pool. A completely unique project initiated by the regional state administration - the School of Robotics, which implements the latest opportunities of 3D printing and other technologies and changes the orientation of extracurricular education, has started.
So, today the development of the Pokrov city is at a stage when it is necessary to intensify the research of traditional and new market segments, to expand the use of information technologies and management techniques, to work on the investment attractiveness of the territory. With this approach, provided with energy, manpower, developed infrastructure, land-free construction, and already built facilities suitable for industrial production, the city looks confidently into the future and implements the slogan displayed on the coat of arms: "Save and multiply ".


Investment card of the Pokrov town